Your automatic FDA form filling partner for your customers

var request = require('request'); var options = { 'method': 'POST', 'url': '', 'headers': { 'api-key': 'aaaaaaaa-bbbbbbbb-cccccccc-dddddddd', 'Content-Type': 'application/json' }, body: JSON.stringify({ "voucherCode": "aaaabbbbccccdddd", "callback": "", "transportation": { "transportation": "01", "arrival_date": "2021-09-07", "arrival_time": "23:03", "us_state": "AK", "port_code": "3104", "transportation_mode": "40", "iata": "QR", "food_kind": "1", "tracking": "15716368844" }, "shipper": { "country": "DE", "business_name": "continental", "address": "Deistrasse", "additional_address": "23", "city": "Arnstein OT Stangerode", "country_subdivision": "DE-HE", "zipcode": "06456", "firstname": "Jonh", "lastname": "Wick", "phone": "895255554", "email": "" }, "receiver": { "country": "US", "business_name": "continental", "address": "Deistrasse", "additional_address": "23", "city": "New York", "country_subdivision": "US-NY", "zipcode": "06456" }, "products": [ { "country": "TH", "business_name": "siamsnack", "address": "845/1 Bangkok", "additional_address": "Lardprao 87", "city": "Bangkok", "zipcode": "12345", "quantity": "2", "send_from": "TH", "country_subdivision": "TH-10", "sku": "22222", "size": "2", "unit": "BBL", "package": "BG", "fda_code": "02AAAAA", "common_name": "siamsnack" }, { "country": "TH", "business_name": "siamsnack", "address": "845/1 Bangkok", "additional_address": "Lardprao 87", "city": "Bangkok", "zipcode": "12345", "quantity": "3", "send_from": "TH", "country_subdivision": "TH-10", "sku": "3333", "size": "3", "unit": "BBL", "package": "BG", "fda_code": "03AAAAA", "common_name": "siamsnack combo" } ] }) }; request(options, function (error, response) { if (error) throw new Error(error); console.log(response.body); });

Use API to access API endpoints for your clients

The aim and the purpose of Bob Marley Temple foundation is to preserve in widely accessible way meaning of philosophy and wisdom contained by reggae artist Bob Marley as we believe he was incredible prophet known more worldwide than any other prophet prophesying One Love, Highest values and peace having himself wonderful successors - his kids. We preserve and make accessible wisdom of this reat prophet - Bob Marley.

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